From the moment my fingers picked up a crayon the walls to my house and my auntie's houses were all filled with my artwork. I remember wanting crayons to colour and not being given them because I coloured on the walls every time. I couldn't stop myself. Everything needed more colour and horses. Horses were my favourite to draw, I would practice drawing the wild horses that would come into our yard to eat our grass.

As I got to my teens, my passion grew to collecting Cosmopolitan magazines. I would go through my articles and look all the layouts and Typography and day-dream about working for them someday. I always wanted to do something like that but never knew what it was called. Fast forward to 2022, my Lion told me that he could see me doing something like Graphic Design and would love to see me pursue a career in art. I honestly had to Google what a Graphic Designer was and when I did, I had a  flashback to my teen dream.
 I looked into it and VCAD was one of the top searches for online schooling. I applied, got in when my baby was 1 month old, worked my butt off, passed every class and Graduated. School was awesome, I learned so much and now I see the world through a Designer's eye. I look forward to living the rest of my life doing what I love to do, with the ones I love.
Thank you to my mother, Irene Lonechild; it was your words that gave me hope and strength when I was young. Thank you to my daughter's for choosing me as their mother, I won't let you girls down. And
Big Thank you to the Love of my Life, I wouldn't be here and wouldn't be who I am now if it wasn't for your support, patience, guidance and above all, love.
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